Making Quarantine More Managable: 4 Products to Keep Life Interesting

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Day in and day out, life in quarantine is pretty much the same. You’ve got your routine down, and although it can be reassuring, this kind of sameness everyday can get pretty old, pretty fast. Gone are the days of going out with friends, and you can only rewatch Friends so many times before you want to cry—not […]

Tips for Online Class Success No Matter the Certification

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Online courses are often praised for being practical and self-paced learning opportunities. During COVID-19 times, colleges have free certificate-worthy online classes available for anyone willing to learn something new. But it’s not that simple when college students are suddenly required to study online full-time when they’ve never done it before.   It sounds like an […]

How to Build a Successful Ecommerce Site

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The future looks bright for online businesses as ecommerce sales continue to increase and customers become more used to the convenience of shopping online. 16% of total retail sales in the US in 2019 were online sales, and consumer spending with ecommerce businesses topped $601 billion. Given this success, it isn’t hard to see why aspiring […]


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